RACV Royal Pines

In 2016 the facilities at Royal Pines Resort were upgraded to include a zero-depth children’s waterplay, a children’s wading pool, adult spa and a freeform 335m² play pool with three children’s waterslides. Aquatic One provided water treatment and circulation system design, as well as structural design for the pools, spa and splash pad. The filtration systems include perlite-based ultra-fine filtration, sanitation via electrochlorination and hydrochloric acid pH correction. The zero-depth splash pad includes soakers, ground and feature spraying elements and dumping buckets.

Client: [cf-client]

Location: [cf-location]

Scope of Works – Design and documentation of:

  • Initial masterplanning assistance to develop pool concept, identify risks and investigate operating requirements.
  • High-performance ultrafine filtration and circulation system.
  • Water feature circulation systems.
  • Reinforced concrete pool shell structures.